Originally released in 1988, One Hand Don’t Clap captures the vibrant story of calypso and the emergence of soca (the “Soul of Calypso”) through the eyes of two legendary artists: Lord Kitchener, the Grandmaster of the genre, and Calypso Rose, the first woman to break through in a traditionally male arena.

Forging onscreen connections between Afro-Caribbean communities and their U.S. diaspora, the documentary leads audiences from New York recording studies to the awesome magic of Carnival in Trinidad & Tobago. It features artists from across the 20th century whose songs reflect regional and global themes that continue to resonate today.

The many generations in One Hand Don’t Clap trace the evolution of a musical style whose infectious rhythms and exhilarating irreverence have found their way to ever-broadening audiences worldwide.

Director/Writer: Kavery Kaul
Features: Lord Kitchener, Calypso Rose, 100 Square Miles
Running Time: 1 hr. 32 min.
Film: Documentary, Music
Language: English

One Hand Don’t Clap was digitally restored from the original 16mm A/B roll negatives and 35mm magnetic audio tracks by the Academy Film Archive and the Women’s Film Preservation Fund with support from the Leon Levy Foundation.