Join us for a panel discussion with environmental educators and advocates on Seeding Change, an award-winning documentary focusing on “Triple Bottom Line” businesses that consider the social, environmental and financial impacts of their companies and address some of today’s most challenging issues. People, planet, profit — these three imperatives translate into sustainable fair trade policy, great products, consumer activism, social change, and a healthy planet. Filmed in the US, Brazil, Asia, and Africa, Emmy-winning director Richard Yellen takes a deep dive into the visions, practices, and growing pains experienced by ten entrepreneurial companies abiding by these principles.


R. Charlie Shultz is the Lead Faculty at Controlled Environment Agriculture, School of Trades, Technology, Sustainability and Professional Studies at the Santa Fe Community College. Charlie began working with fish and plants as an undergraduate at Virginia Tech while earning two B.S. degrees, in Biology and Fishery Science. Charlie found his calling at the University of the Virgin Islands in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. There he specialized in developing aquaponics using tilapia and a variety of plant crops, as well as other fish production systems. After 14 years, Charlie returned to the mainland U.S. for graduate school at Kentucky State University where he researched indoor aquaponics production including energy analysis and production potential using various lighting technologies. Charlie spent the following two years working at Lethbridge College in Alberta, Canada, addressing bottlenecks in the upcoming commercial aquaponics sector. Aquaponics is a facet of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA), which joins the science of hydroponics (growing plants in water without soil) with the science of aquaculture (raising fish). The program aims to revitalize agricultural traditions in order to build local food security in a way that is ecologically, economically, and culturally viable; socially just; and organic, and regenerative for current and future generations.

Juliana Ciano, Program Director of Reunity Resources, is a social entrepreneur and educator focusing on sustainable community food systems and holistic approaches to education. Juliana co-founded Reunity Resources in 2011 with the goal to demonstrate a closed-loop sustainable food system and work toward food equity in Santa Fe.

Nate Downey is the author of the recent award-winning book “Harvest the Rain”, is a local permaculture designer, author, landscape contractor, columnist, water harvester, grassroots activist, and perennial panelist. For the last few years, he has taken controlled-environment agriculture classes and internships with Charlie Shultz at the Santa Fe Community College. Now, he plans to break ground on a highly unconventional farm near the intersection of Cerrillos and Airport Roads. In an effort to conveniently deliver tasty, healthy, local, fresh, and ecological produce to locals who sign up online, his company, Lettuce, Etc, will apply Nate’s farm-to-home distribution model which requires, among other things, aquaponics greenhouses. Nate moved to Santa Fe in 1987 to attend St. John’s College where all students study most of western civilization’s major scientific and political innovations, so he feels reasonably prepared to play a role in the local-food revolution that our culture so desperately needs.