Marietta Patricia Leis
Installation View: Marietta Patricia Leis: Sense Memories, Muñoz Waxman Gallery | Photo by Shayla Blatchford

Artist Marietta Patricia Leis will give a guided tour through her exhibition, Marietta Patricia Leis: Sense Memories in the Muñoz Waxman Gallery at CCA on Saturday, January 22nd at 11am. Informed by her journeys and imbued with a sense of place, the work of Leis is situated in the vortex of light, color, minimalism, and expression. In this walkthrough, Leis will give insight into the bodies of work present in the exhibition.

Saturday, January 22 | $10
Muñoz Waxman Gallery at CCA

This event is limited to 15 people and proof of Covid-19 vaccination will be required. Regular gallery hours are currently Friday through Sunday, from 11am-5pm, $10 General/$8 CCA Members. Tickers reflect our gallery admission fee.

Additional featured image: Marietta Patricia Leis, The Silent Road, acrylic/Tyvek/wood rod, 60’ x 34”, 17’X34”x44” installed