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Stranger at the Gate

April 28, 2024 @ 11:00 am

Short film + conversation presented by Global Santa Fe

Playing in the CCA Cinema

A U.S. Marine with P.T.S.D. plots a terrorist attack on a small-town American mosque, but his plan takes an unexpected turn when he comes face-to-face with the people he is about to kill.

Director: Joshua Seftel
Features: Bibi Bahrami, Saber Bahrami, Zaki Bahrami
Running time: 29 min.
Film: Documentary, Short Film
Languages: English

Event sponsored by Global Santa Fe member, Jane Shreffler

Global Santa Fe will show this Academy award-nominated short film from Executive Producer Malala Yousafzai followed by a conversation with special guests, Bibi Bahrami and Dr. Saber Bahrami, who are featured in the film.

11:00 am Social
11:30 am Film screening 
12pm – 1pm Conversation and Q&A with the Bahramis, facilitated by Molly Bieh

Bibi Bahrami was born and raised in Behsood, Afghanistan. She came to Muncie, Indiana in 1986 to live with her husband, Dr. Saber Bahrami. They have been an active part of their community for over thirty years. Bibi is Founder and President of AWAKEN (Afghan Women And Kids’ Education & Necessities) and Building Peace Through Kindness, LLC.

Molly Biehl is a Global Santa Fe staff member and sister of slain Fulbright scholar, anti-apartheid activist and Santa Fe High School graduate, Amy Biehl. The Biehl family founded the Amy Biehl Foundation Trust in Cape Town, South Africa. Molly is an ongoing student of and public speaker on forgiveness.

1050 Old Pecos Trail
Santa Fe, NM 87505 United States
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(505) 982-1338
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