with Darryl Lorenzo Wellington, Santa Fe Poet Laureate
Wednesdays, 5:30–7:30 pm, January 26 through March 2nd
Free | At Capacity
This free workshop (limited to 8 participants) is at capacity. Led by the present Santa Fe Poet Laureate, Darryl Lorenzo Wellington, participants will meet for 6 sessions.
Wellington states, “The class will have an emphasis on poetry. I will talk and assign a poetry/short prose writing exercise that we will bring to the following class, as a catalyst. The very first assignment is this: bring to class a poem or half a page piece of writing that you admire, and share with the group why you admire it. What challenges you? What speaks to you? What is quality? Start thinking about these questions.”

“The class will also collectively read and discuss chapters of The Anti-Racist Writing Workshop by Felicia Rose Chavez. Depending on time, we may practice Liz Lerman’s Critical Response Process for student-led critique. The format of the class can morph, zigzag, and change depending on input from the participants.”
This event is free on a first-come-first-serve basis. You will be placed on a waiting list if spaces are filled.
For further insight, please read Darryl’s reflections on poetry and the workshop process in his articles What the Hell is Poetry? and Poetry Workshops and the World, both published in the Santa Fe Reporter.
Workshop participants must supply proof of Covid-19 vaccination or recent negative test per CCA’s Covid-19 policy, more information here.
About the Instructor
Darryl Lorenzo Wellington is a poet, playwright, performance artist, essayist and journalist. His feature articles, political commentary, poetry, and book reviews appear in publications such as Dissent, The Nation, The Progressive, The Washington Post, The Crisis (which is the official NAACP publication,) The Christian Science Monitor, The Progressive, The Common Review, Boston Review, ABZ Magazine, Drum Voices, The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education N+1, amongst others. His poetry chapbook Life’s Prisoners received the 2017 Turtle Island Quarterly Chapbook Award, and his first full-length collection, Psalms at the Present Time, is forthcoming in November 2021. Darryl Lorenzo Wellington is the sixth Poet Laureate of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Questions about the class? Contact Darryl.